Allegretti: contro la chiusura del Brennero

15 Aprile 2016
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Da Monaco di Baviera Umberto Allegretti ci invia questa lettera aperta al Presidente e al Cancelliere dell’Austria, che volentieri pubblichiamo, aggiungendo idealmente la nostra firma.
Image result for passo brennero

Passo Brennero - Dogana

Dear Mr. President and Dear Mr. Kanzler,
As Italian ancient professor of law  in the University of Florence,
since 2006 used to spend my holidays in your splendid and esteemed
country, where the daughter of my son was born, I am surprised and upset
- as well as all my family and my esteemed colleague professor Cecilia
Corsi, other colleagues and other various persons - by the decision to
build a barrier betwwen our countries in the symbolic and fundamental
Brenner Pass. This act, contrary to the Treaty of EU, to the Schengen
Agreement and to every sense of humanity and to the whole  spirit of
European culture should be revoked before  its execution makes further
irreparable damage to all these principles.
With the best regards.
Umberto Allegretti, Cecilia Corsi, Teresa Crespellani, Nicoletta Maraschio (pres. emerita della Accademia della crusca), Paolo Caretti e Enzo Balboni.

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